About Us
- Deliver teaching within a research-led environment.
- Provide students with a broad background in modern anatomy.
- Provide laboratory/practical training in aspects of Bio photonics and Imaging.
- Encourage students to develop oral, written, numerical, visual, presentation and collaborative skills appropriate to a wide range of employment.
The discipline of anatomy aims to maintain the importance of understanding the structure of the living body at the forefront of clinical medical, nursing and therapeutic practice, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of patient care. Anatomy aims to promote horizontal and vertical integration of basic sciences, as well as integrate Anatomy with modern medical imaging, developing appropriate factual content relevant to each of the student groups that we teach.
- Gross and Developmental Anatomy is a first-year course designed to provide students with a fundamental working knowledge of normal human gross and developmental anatomy as a basis for the practice of medicine.
- To provide an opportunity for medical students who distinguish themselves in Human Anatomy undertake research-based training in Anatomy.
- To provide training as would enable them to sub-specialize in anatomy at an early stage of their career.
Message from HOD
It is a pleasure and honor to head the anatomy department at Trichy SRM Medical College. Our faculty work in an invigorating and friendly atmosphere. Our students gain exposure to traditional and current styles of learning anatomy. Our priorities lie in imparting sound anatomical knowledge that the student can call upon at any later point of professional practice and tune the critical thinking skills of the medical student. While we focus on scoring well in the examinations, what we really inculcate in the student is the habit of knowledge –seeking that will establish the lifelong learning habits necessary for a 21st century medical professional. We nurture research among both faculty and students and ensure that those interested have access to necessary guidance and infrastructure. It is my personal belief that forging the foundation of a competent and conscientious medical graduate lies with the Department of Anatomy when he first meets the cadaver, “the first patient”.