- Venkatesh G, Gugapriya T S, Vinay Kumar N, Nalinakumari S.D. Does the side deviation of nasal septum have concomitant predictive relation with side of sphenoid septum deviation? International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery (IJARS) 26th October, 2020. Off No: JCDR/Accept/IJARS/45179
- Sivakumar. M, Sud M, Vathsala V. Histogenesis and morphometric study of human foetal submandibular salivary gland. J Anat Soc India. 2003; 52 (1): 3– 6.
- Priyadharshini. S, Sivakumar. M. A study of coronary arterial dominance pattern. Int J Anat Res. 2016;4 (3) :2817-21
- Sivakumar M. A study on incidence of caroticoclinoid foramen. Indian J Anat. 2018;7(1): 53-55
- M. Sivakumar, Devi Prasad Mohapatra. A review of flaps and their uses in reconstructive surgery. J Anat Soc India. 2020; 69:103-9
- Rajeev Panwar, M. Sivakumar, Vikas Menon, Balasubramaniyan Vairappan. Changes in the levels of comet parameters before and after fluoxetine therapy in major depression patients. Anat Cell Biol.2020; 53:194-200
- Rajeev Panwar, M. Sivakumar. Comet parameters and plasma 8– Isoprostaglandins F2α: Common markers of etiopathogenesis in major depression and indicators of antioxidant action of Fluoxetine. Natl J Clin Anat. 2021; 10:118-25
- Rajeev Panwar, M. Sivakumar. The role of fluoxetine therapy in changing the plasma levels of 8– Iso-prostaglandin F2 (8-Iso-PGF2) in patients with major depression. Eur J of Pharm Med Res .2021;8(8):526-31
- Anupriya A1, Priya Banthavi S2*, Kamala E3, Thirumalaikolundusubramanian P4, Prabhusaran N1 Do we Need Ethics? – II MBBS Students Perceptions in learning Medical Ethics International
Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies date 28 February 2020. - Senthilnathan V, Gnanavelraja C, Alli Arimapamagan, Rajajeyakumar M, Effectiveness of adjuvant use of posterior manual compression with graded compression in the Sonographic diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare.2018; 5(6):504-508. Indexed in Index Copernicus (Radiology specialty).
- Senthilnathan V, Gnanavelraja C, Alli Arimapamagan, Rajajeyakumar M, Frontal recess cell in frontal sinusitis-A radiological study. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare.2019; 6(2):92-96. Indexed in Index Copernicus (Anatomy specialty).
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- Ravi PK and Gaikwad MR. Topographical Variations of Wormian Bones in Eastern- Indian Dry Human Skulls: Current Perspective and Review of Literature. J Human Anat 2021,5:000155.
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- M.Veeramuthu, Morhometric Analysis of Infraorbital Foramen and Its Clinical Implications in Dry Adult Human Skull: Int J Anat Res 2016,Vol4(4):2992-3000. ISSN 2321-4287
- M.Veeramuthu, Nutient Foramina: A Study in the Long Bones of Human Upper Extremities
Ongoing Projects
- Dr. S. D. Nalinakumari (Professor and Head)
- ACT evaluative study of pneumatisation of paranasal air sinuses and its association with mastoid air cells aeration.
- An anatomical study of pattern of distribution of juncturae tendinum of hand.
- Dr. Praveen Kumar K (Assistant Professor) Human Pancreatic Islet Dimension: Revisiting the Quantification Technique
- M. Veeramuthu (Assistant Professor) Significance of Dermatoglyphics Pattern in Carcinoma of Mammary Glands
1. Conference
SOCA 8th International Conference (8.2.19)
- Dr. S. D. Nalinakumari (Professor & Head of Anatomy) was chaired and Dr. E. Kamala (Associate Professor of Anatomy) was participated in SOCA 8th International Conference held at Sree Ramachandra Medical College Chennai.
- Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh (PG of Anatomy) and Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh (PG of Anatomy presented “An Analysis of Thoraco Lumbar Vertebral Pedicle Morphology with dimension of commercially available Pedicle instrumentation”.
- Dr. M. Rajesh Kumar (PG of Anatomy) presented “Radiological study of ACEA” (Acromio Humeral Centre Edge Angle & Sourcil Sign) NATCON ‘66(11.11.18-14.11.18 Rishikesh, Uttarakhand).
NATCON ‘66(11.11.18-14.11.18 Rishikesh, Uttarakhand)
- Dr. S. D. Nalinakumari (Professor & Head of Anatomy) has participated and chaired
- Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh (PG of Anatomy) presented poster on “Case Report Thyroid Hemi agenesis” and Dr. M. Rajesh Kumar (PG of Anatomy) presented poster on “case report Santorinicele associated with division of pancreas”
SIGIMSAHS’20 (7/2/2020)
- Dr. E. kamala (Associate Professor Dept. of Anatomy) has participated as resource person on the topic “Health and Hygiene for Future generation 2020”
9th NATIONAL CONFERENCE 13/03/2020 to 15/03/2020 Ahmadabad Municipal Medical College, Gujarat state
- Dr. S.D. Nalinakumari (Professor & Head of Anatomy) has participated as delegate
- Dr. M. Rajesh Kumar (PG of Anatomy) presented poster on “Case Report Variation in The Pattern of Formation of Median Nerve in Relation with Artery of Brachium” and Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh (PG of Anatomy) presented poster on “Complete posterior rectus sheath with absent Arcuate Lin – A Case Report”
Virtual Medical Education Conference (MEDUCON-2021) JIPMER Puducherry 2/9/21-3/9/21
- Dr. E. Kamala participated as a delegate and has attended a pre-conference workshop on ‘MCQs, EMQs and MEQs’ for Assessing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
2. CME
- Dr. E. Kamala (Associate Professor Dept. of Anatomy) has participated in the National Virtual CME “Brainstem – An Integrated Approach to Clinical Syndromes” organized by the Department of Anatomy Aarupadai Veedu Medical College on 9/07/2020
- On 9/10/21 by Department of Anatomy and MEU: SRM Medical College and Research Institute Trichy on “Remembering Anatomy: Memory’s Secrets Revealed”
- Dr. E Kamala (Associate Professor) have participated in the National Online Hands-On Training Program on “PowerPoint in Medical Education” Held at Department of Physiology, Velammal Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Madurai
4. PHD paper presentation
- SRM Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai. Dr. K. Ilavenil (Tutor of Anatomy) on “A study on the effects of gestational diabetes mellitus and obesity on pregnancy outcomes in relation with the micro structural alterations of the placenta”.
5. PhD degree
- Subject: Dr. K. Ilavenil (Tutor of Anatomy) was awarded PhD by SRM institute of science and technology. Defend public viva voce examination was conducted at Department of Anatomy SRM Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai
6. Horizontal Integrated Seminar
- 7.02.19 on “Anatomy of Thyroid Gland” by Dr. Umapathy Sembian (Associate Professor of Anatomy)
- 8/7/21 by Dept of Anatomy on Chronic Kidney Disease
7. Vertical Integrated Seminar
- On16.02.19 Conducted by department of Biochemistry. Dr. C. Gnjanavelraja (Associate Professor of Anatomy) presented on the topic “coronary artery disease”.
- On 7/7/21 by Dr. P. Nivetha (Dept of Surgery) on “Surgical Implication of Gastrointestinal System”
8. ECE For 1st Year MBBS
- On 19/10/2019 by Dr. Vijayakumaran Professor and HOD SRM Trichy on “Joints of Upper limb”
- On 9/11/19 by Dr. P. Karthick M.S (HOD of General Surgery) on “Varicose Vein in Lower Limb”
- On 16/11/19 by Dr. M. Nirmal M.S(ORTHO), DNB(ORTHO) (Assistant Professor Dept. Of Orthopedics) on the topic “HIP JOINT”.
- On 14/12/2019 by Dr Bala Subramanian Professor and HOD Dermatology SRM Trichy on “Clinical Application of Integumentary System”
- On 11/01/2021 by Dr. P. Karthi Professor and HOD Trichy SRM on “Hernias”
- On 15/01/2021 by OG Department: Live demonstration on “Hysterectomy”
- 15/4/2021 by Dr. Navameetha (Assistant Professor General Surgery SRM Trichy) on Varicose Veins
- On 6/5/2021 by Dr. Prabakaran (Assistant Professor General Medicine SRM Trichy) on “Pleural Effusion”.
- 10/6/2021 by Dr. Navameetha (Assistant Professor General Surgery SRM Trichy) on Inguinal Hernia
- On 9/9/2021 by OG Department: Live demonstration on “Hysterectomy”
9. Guest Lecture For 1st Year MBBS
- On 5/9/18 by Dr. Sivaraman (Associate Professor of Psychiatry) on “Coping Up with Dissection”.
- On 14/9/18 by Dr. Guru.T. Arun (Additional Professor of Radiology AIIMS Nagpur) on “Curriculum Vitae”.
- On 21/1/2020 by Dr. Guru.T. Arun MD, DNB (Consultant Radiologist Qatar) on “Cross Sectional Anatomy”.
- Online International Guest Lecture conducted on 17/7/2020 by Dr. Guru.T. Arun MD, DNB (Consultant Radiologist Qatar) on “Carotid and Vertebral Angiogram”
10.Guest Lecture for PG Students
- 23.7.18 “Platelet’s at The Interface Between Thrombosis & Hemostasis”.
- 24.7.18 “Novel Strategies for Treatment & Diagnosis of Snake Bite”.
- 21.7.19 “Management of Biomedical Waste”.
- 10.8.19 “Workshop on Biostatistics”.
- 21/1/2020 by Dr. Guru.T. Arun MD (Additional Professor of Radiology AIIMS Nagpur), DNB on “CT And MRI in Hemiplegia and Advanced MRI Modalities”.