
Anatomy – Events


Guest Lectures Conducted

  1. “Why Anatomy? – an ophthalmology perspective “ by Dr. Vijaya Shanmugam, Associate professor, Tanjore Medical College, Thanjavur on April 2012
  2. Dr. R.Elangovan M.S. MCh., lectured on Anatomy in Neurosurgeon’s perspective on 24.10.2013
  3. Guest Lecture Series on Managing trauma- an anatomical perspective” was held on Department of Anatomy, Chennai Medical College & Research Centre (SRM Trichy) March 2016.

CME conducted

A virtual CME entitled “Remembering Anatomy: Memory’s secrets revealed” was conducted by Department of Anatomy and Medical Education Unit of Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre on 09.10.2021. Four hundred and sixty-four delegates participated in the virtual CME.

Other Programs Conducted by the Department

Elsevier Publications MCQ test was organized in the month of May in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015

Lippincott’s illustrated video atlas live demonstration was organized in the month of November 2012
