Guest Lectures Conducted
- “Why Anatomy? – an ophthalmology perspective “ by Dr. Vijaya Shanmugam, Associate professor, Tanjore Medical College, Thanjavur on April 2012
- Dr. R.Elangovan M.S. MCh., lectured on Anatomy in Neurosurgeon’s perspective on 24.10.2013
- Guest Lecture Series on Managing trauma- an anatomical perspective” was held on Department of Anatomy, Chennai Medical College & Research Centre (SRM Trichy) March 2016.
CME conducted
A virtual CME entitled “Remembering Anatomy: Memory’s secrets revealed” was conducted by Department of Anatomy and Medical Education Unit of Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre on 09.10.2021. Four hundred and sixty-four delegates participated in the virtual CME.
Other Programs Conducted by the Department
Elsevier Publications MCQ test was organized in the month of May in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015
Lippincott’s illustrated video atlas live demonstration was organized in the month of November 2012