Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
About Us
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Forensic Medicine is to produce a physician who is well informed about medicolegal responsibilities in practice of medicine.
Training the students to
- Identify the basic medico-legal aspects of hospital and general practice.
- Appreciate the physician’s responsibilities in criminal matters and respect for the codes of medical ethics.
- Diagnose, manage and identify common acute and chronic poisonings.
- Detect occupational and environmental poisoning, prevention and epidemiology of common poisoning and their legal aspects particularly pertaining to Workmen’s Compensation Act.
Our department provides an integrated approach towards allied disciplines like Pathology, Radiology, Forensic Sciences, Hospital Administration etc. to impart training regarding medico legal responsibilities of physicians at all levels of health care.
Preparing the students to
- Make observations and logical inferences in order to initiate enquiries in criminal matters and medico legal problems.
- Diagnose and treat common emergencies in poisoning and manage chronic toxicity.
- Make observations and interpret findings at postmortem examination.
- Observe the principles of medical ethics in the practice of his profession.
Strengths Of Our Department
- Well equipped infrastructure, with qualified and dedicated faculty with very good computer and e learning skills.
- Student enrichment programmes like Seminar, Integrated Teaching, CME Programme, Quiz, Assignment, Case Presentation, Group discussion, Research projects, Mock court etc., are conducted in the department frequently.
- Constantly involving in research programmes.
- Easy approachability of the faculty for the students.
- Collaboration with other department in introducing integrated teaching.
Message from HOD
Our department enthusiastically supports the mission and values of the Trichy SRM Medical College hospital and research centre. The department occupies a unique social and academic location in our institution of higher learning whose main thrust is education and research. Its primary function is to advance the discipline of forensic medicine and its associated disciplines both in terms of its training and development of future practitioners and to increase the evidence basis for the discipline through research. Our faculty members teach core aspects of Forensic medicine for under-graduates. The department faculties are involved in a number of research projects independently, in collaboration with faculty members from other departments. The Department will work to maintain its role effectively, by means of implementing development plans, and continuously endeavoring to develop and raise the efficiency of forensic performance.
The department provides unique opportunities for aspiring medical students. The department and its faculty members participate and present research papers, case reports in national and international conferences, symposia and workshops. Its faculty members published many research articles in National and international indexed journals .The department has gone on to acquire a prominent stature for its teaching and research activities, well known and recognized within the institute and among universities in India for the research output of its faculty members. As our Institute grows in stature and quality, our department aspires to considerably expand its research and teaching activities in new directions, and welcome all initiatives and support which would help us work towards that goal.