Community Medicine
About Us
To create community physicians able enough to identify, prevent and treat health problems in the community
To provide high quality teaching, training, service and research in Community Medicine to the under graduate and PG medical students as in turn the products will serve the community as Community Physicians.
The Department of Community Medicine is a key department of a Medical College as identified by the Medical Council of India. The most essential activity our Dept is that, the students should learn the organization of the community, its functions, Community Pathology, Community Diagnosis and its management. In addition to the actively functioning department within the medical college campus, the department also has 1 urban and 1 rural health training centre which provides health care services, training for the students and interns. The Department is also having tie up with the Health Department, Govt.of Tamil Nadu providing two Government Primary Health Centres namely Sirugambur and Pullambadi for the teaching and training of the medical students . The department also has collaborations with water supply and sanitation board, Aavin and other health related departments and disciplines to provide teaching and training for the students to understand the relation between health and its various determinants.