
Institutional Programmes

Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Tiruchirapalli

Education activities accredited by The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University

S. No. Programme Date(s) Organizing Dept. Credit point and category Reference
1 Revised basic course workshop on Medical Education Technology 8th – 10th April 2021 MEU 30 Category III Email on 15.04.2021
2 Workshop on curriculum for snake bite education and management 12th February 2021 IRB and MEU 10 Category III Email on 04.02.2021
3 Rock Otophony’ 19 (Live Surgical workshop) 14th – 15th December 2019 ENT and MEU 30 Category III Email on 23.11.2019
4 VII National Workshop on Research Methodology 18th – 21st December 2019 Institutional Research Board and MEU 30 Category III Email on 19.11.2019
5 VI National Workshop on Research Methodology 20th – 23rd March 2019 Institutional Research Board and MEU 30 Category III Email on 06.02.2019
6 V National Workshop on Research Methodology 26th  – 29th September2018 Institutional Research Board and MEU 30 Category III Email on 05.09.2018
7 CME on Recent Trends in Diagnostic Pathology 30th August 2018 Pathology and MEU 10 Category II Email on 01.08.2018
8 CME on Updates on Hepatitis 16th August 2018 Microbiology and MEU 10 Category II Email on 27.07.2018


CME on Synergy of PHARM MED 27th April 2018 Pharmacology and MEU 10 Category II Email on 23.04.2018
10 IV National Workshop on Research Methodology 22nd – 24th March 2018 Institutional Research Board and MEU 30 Category III No. 09977 dt. 09.05.2018
11 III National Workshop on Research Methodology 14th – 16th September 2017 Institutional Research Board and MEU 30 Category III No. 39325 dt. 09.10.2017
12 CME on Dermatophytoses – challenges ahead 5th September 2017 Dermatology and Microbiology 5 category II No. 31483 dt. 23.08.2017
13 CME on Biochemical Evaluation of Bone and Bone disorders 24th August 2017 Biochemistry and MEU 10 Category II Email Copy
14 CME on Medical Update 17th August 2017 Medicine and MEU 10 Category II Email Copy
15 CME and Workshop on Nerve conduction 15th and 16th June 2017 Physiology and MEU 20 under category II Email Communication
16 CME and Workshop on Quality Assurance in Clinical Lab Services 31st March 2017 Biochemistry and MEU 10 under category III Email Communication
17 CME on Biology of Ageing & care of Elderly 17th March 2017 Biochemistry & MEU 10 under category II
18 Second Workshop on Research Methodology 2nd to 4th February 2017 Institutional Research Board and MEU 30 under category III No. 66291 dt. 10.01.17
19 CME on RACE 10th Nov. 2016 Radiology, Anatomy & MEU 20 under category II
20 CME on CKD 19th July 2016 Biochemistry, Nephrology & MEU 10 under category II No. 33777 dt. 22.07.16
21 Medicine Update 2016 24th June 2016 Medicine and MEU 10 under category II No. 25337 dt. 07.06.16
22 CME on Spine 23rd April 2016 Orthopaedics an MEU 10 under category II
23 CME on Diabetes – a global emergency 7th April 2016 Community Medicine, Medicine and MEU 10 under category II
24 CME on Spectrum of Ultrasonographic Anatomy – a diagnostic and therapeutic approach 2nd April 2016 Anatomy, Research Cell and MEU 10 under category II No. 11074 dt. 17.03.16
25 CME on Visual Neurophysiology 31st March 2016 Physiology, Ophthalmology & MEU 10 under category II
26 CME capsules on Managing Trauma 21st to 24th March 2016 Anatomy, Research Cell and MEU 15 under category II
27 CME on Polio the way forward 16th Feb. 2016 Community Medicine and MEU 10 under category II No. 04002 dt. 23.02.16
28 CME on OSPE 6th January 2016 Medical Education Unit 10 under category II
29 CME on Cancer update 19th Nov 2015 Biochemistry and MEU 5 under category II No. 5196 dt. 19.11.15
30 Workshop on Research Methodology 29th Sept to 1st Oct. Research Cell and MEU 30 under category III No. 55338 dt. 6.08.15
31 CME on Pharmaceutical Waste Management 30th Oct 2014 Pharmacology, HSR & MEU 10 under category II No. 49338 dt. 6.11.14
32 CME on Basics in Dermatology 17th Sept. 2014 Skin and STD, HSR and MEU 10 under category II No. 43311 dt. 19.3.15
33 CME on Cardiac illness 10th Sept 2014 Medicine, HSR and MEU 10 under category II No. 43335 dt. 13.10.14
34 CME on Sepsis – a global killer 26th Sept 2014 Microbiology, HSR and MEU 10 under category II No. 40827 dt. 18.09.14
35 CME on Voice disorder 18th Sept 2014 ENT, HSR and MEU 10 under category II
36 CME on Somatoform Disorder 17th Sept 2014 Psychiatry, HSR and MEU 10 under category II No. 39393 dt. 16.08.2014
37 CME on Ocular Pathology 14th August 2014 Pathology 10 under category II
38 CME on HIV Care 22nd July 2014 Skin and STD 10 under category II No. 30733 dt. 20.08.2014
39 CME on Heat Shock proteins and Antimicrobial Resistance 4th July 2014 Microbiology 5 under category II No. 1674 dt. 03.07.2014
40 CME on Operation Theatre Sterilization and Disinfection 29th March 2014 Microbiology 5 under category II No. 1456 dt. 02.04.2014
41 CME on Hemato Pathology 10th September 2013 Pathology, Health Science Research and MEU 10 under category II No. 1189 dt. 31.10.2013
42 CME on Expanding Frontiers in Anatomy and Workshop on Plastination 6th and 7th September2013 Anatomy, HSR and MEU 20 under category II No. 1185 dt. 11.11.2013
43 National Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging viral infections 30th and 31st August 2013 Microbiology, HSR, MEU 15 under category II No. 1169 dt. 11.11 2013
44 Academic Carnival on Shock 13th and 14th August 2013 Forensic Medicine, Microbiology, Pathology and Pharmacology 10 under category II No. 1176 dt. 31.10.2013
45 CME on diabetes update 21st June 2013 Biochemistry, HSR, MEU 10 under category II No. 1139 dt. 10.07.2013
46 Lecture workshop on Neuropsychiatry diseases 4th and 5th April 2013 Biochemistry, HSR, Medical Education Unit (MEU) 15 under category II No. 937 dt. 25.02.2013
47 Awareness programme on Antimicrobial Resistance – a global threat 16th March 2013 Microbiology 5 under category III No. 970 dt. 19.03.2013
48 Lecture workshop on Need of Understanding the Neglected tropical diseases 26th and 27th Nov 2012 Microbiology and Health Science Research (HSR) 20 under category III No. 787 dt. 08.11.2012
49 Third State Conference of IADVL – Tamilnadu branch 13th and 14th Oct 2012 Dermatology and MEU 20 under category II No. 702 dt. 05.09.2012
Total credit points received 710

Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Tiruchirapalli

Education activities accredited (Credit hours) by Tamilnadu Medical Council

S. No. Programme Date(s) Organizing Dept. Credit point and category
1 Revised Basic course workshop on Medical Education Technology 8th – 10th April 2021 MEU 6
2 RAPISURG 26th – 27th February 2021 Surgery and MEU 4
3 Workshop on Curriculum development for snake bite education and management 12th February 2021 Institutional Research Board and MEU 1
4 Workshop on Medical Education technology for Postgraduates 8th – 9th February 2021 MEU 3
5 Workshop on Medical Education technology for Postgraduates 2nd – 3rd February 2021 MEU 4
6 International online CME on Autism spectrum disorders 24th July 2020 Psychiatry and MEU 2.5
7 VII National Workshop on Research Methodology 18th – 21st December 2019 Institutional Research Board and MEU 9
8 Rock Otophony’ 2019 14th – 15th December 2019 ENT and MEU 6
9 CME on Complications of Diabetes mellitus 19th November 2019 General Medicine and MEU 2
10 Trichy SRM Endocon – a CME and Hands on course in upper GI endoscopy 17th November 2019 General Surgery and MEU 2
11 Workshop on Medical Education Technology training programme for postgraduates 16th – 17th August 2019 MEU 4
12 CME and hands on demonstration of Cochlear implantation 22nd June 2019 ENT and MEU 2
13 Curriculum implementation support program 11th – 13th June 2019 MEU 6
14 VI National Workshop on Research Methodology 20th – 23rd March 2019 Institutional Research Board and MEU 9
15 V National Workshop on Research Methodology 26th  – 29th September 2018


Institutional Research Board and MEU 6
16 CME on Recent Trends in Diagnostic Pathology 30th August 2018 Pathology and MEU 2
17 CME on Updates on Hepatitis 16th August 2018 Microbiology and MEU 2
18 CME on Synergy of PHARM MED 27th April 2018 Pharmacology and MEU 2
19 IV National Workshop on Research Methodology 22nd – 24th March 2018 Institutional Research Board and MEU 6
20 III National Workshop on Research Methodology 14th – 16th September 2017 Institutional Research Board and MEU 6
21 CME on Dermatophytoses – challenges ahead 5th Sept. 2017 Dermatology and Microbiology 2
22 CME on Human Cytogenetics 31st August 2017 Pathology, IRB and MEU 2
23 CME on Biochemical Evaluation of Bone and Bone disorders 24th August 2017 Biochemistry and MEU 2
24 CME on Medical Update 17th August 2017 Medicine and MEU 2
25 Training program in Bioethics 6th to 8th July 2017 Bioethics Unit 6
26 CME and Workshop on Nerve conduction studies and Evoked potentials 15th to 16th June 2017 Physiology and MEU 4
Total credit points received 104.5

Institutional Programmes

Education activities accredited by The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University

S. No.ProgrammeDate(s)Organizing Dept.Credit point and categoryReference
1Third State Conference of IADVL – Tamilnadu branch13th and 14th Oct 2012Dermatology and MEU20 under category IINo. 702 dt. 05.09.2012
2Lecture workshop on Need of Understanding the Neglected tropical diseases26th and 27th Nov 2012Microbiology and Health Science Research (HSR)20 under category IIINo. 787 dt. 08.11.2012
3Awareness programme on Antimicrobial Resistance – a global threat16th March 2013Microbiology5 under category IIINo. 970 dt. 19.03.2013
4Lecture workshop on Neuropsychiatry diseases4th and 5th April 2013Biochemistry, HSR, Medical Education Unit (MEU)15 under category IINo. 937 dt. 25.02.2013
5CME on diabetes update21st June 2013Biochemistry, HSR, MEU10 under category IINo. 1139 dt. 10.07.2013
6Academic Carnival on Shock13th and 14th August 2013Forensic Medicine, Microbiology, Pathology and Pharmacology10 under category IINo. 1176 dt. 31.10.2013
7National Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging viral infections30th and 31st August 2013Microbiology, HSR, MEU15 under category IINo. 1169 dt. 11.11 2013
8CME on Expanding Frontiers in Anatomy and Workshop on Plastination6th and 7th September2013Anatomy, HSR and MEU20 under category IINo. 1185 dt. 11.11.2013
9CME on Hemato Pathology10th September 2013Pathology, Health Science Research and MEU10 under category IINo. 1189 dt. 31.10.2013
10CME on Operation Theatre Sterilization and Disinfection29th March 2014Microbiology5 under category IINo. 1456 dt. 02.04.2014
11CME on Heat Shock proteins and Antimicrobial Resistance4th July 2014Microbiology5 under category IINo. 1674 dt. 03.07.2014
12CME on HIV Care22nd July 2014Skin and STD10 under category IINo. 30733 dt. 20.08.2014
13CME on Ocular Pathology14th August 2014Pathology10 under category II-
14CME on Somatoform Disorder17th Sept 2014Psychiatry, HSR and MEU10 under category IINo. 39393 dt. 16.08.2014
15CME on Voice disorder18th Sept 2014ENT, HSR and MEU10 under category II-
16CME on Sepsis – a global killer26th Sept 2014Microbiology, HSR and MEU10 under category IINo. 40827 dt. 18.09.14
17CME on Cardiac illness10th Sept 2014Medicine, HSR and MEU10 under category IINo. 43335 dt. 13.10.14
18CME on Basics in Dermatology17th Sept. 2014Skin and STD, HSR and MEU10 under category IINo. 43311 dt. 19.3.15
19CME on Pharmaceutical Waste Management30th Oct 2014Pharmacology, HSR & MEU10 under category IINo. 49338 dt. 6.11.14
20Workshop on Research Methodology29th Sept to 1st Oct.Research Cell and MEU30 under category IIINo. 55338 dt. 6.08.15
21CME on Cancer update19th Nov 2015Biochemistry and MEU5 under category IINo. 5196 dt. 19.11.15
22CME on OSPE6th January 2016Medical Education Unit10 under category II-
23CME on Polio the way forward16th Feb. 2016Community Medicine and MEU10 under category IINo. 04002 dt. 23.02.16
24CME capsules on Managing Trauma21st to 24th March 2016Anatomy, Research Cell and MEU15 under category II-
25CME on Visual Neurophysiology31st March 2016Physiology, Ophthalmology & MEU10 under category II-
26CME on Spectrum of Ultrasonographic Anatomy – a diagnostic and therapeutic approach2nd April 2016Anatomy, Research Cell and MEU10 under category IINo. 11074 dt. 17.03.16
27CME on Diabetes – a global emergency7th April 2016Community Medicine, Medicine and MEU10 under category II-
28CME on Spine23rd April 2016Orthopaedics an MEU10 under category II-
29Medicine Update 201624th June 2016Medicine and MEU10 under category IINo. 25337 dt. 07.06.16
30CME on CKD19th July 2016Biochemistry, Nephrology & MEU10 under category IINo. 33777 dt. 22.07.16
31CME on RACE10th Nov. 2016Radiology, Anatomy & MEU20 under category II-
32Second Workshop on Research Methodology2nd to 4th February 2017Institutional Research Board and MEU30 under category IIINo. 66291 dt. 10.01.17
33CME on Biology of Ageing & care of Elderly17th March 2017Biochemistry & MEU10 under category II-
34CME and Workshop on Quality Assurance in Clinical Lab Services31st March 2017Biochemistry and MEU10 under category IIIEmail Communication
35CME and Workshop on Nerve conduction15th and 16th June 2017Physiology and MEU20 under category IIEmail Communication
36Young Scientist Award Contest – Preliminary selection14th July 2017Institutional Research Board and MEU--
37CME on Medical Update17th August 2017Medicine and MEU10 Category II Email Copy
38CME on Biochemical Evaluation of Bone and Bone disorders24th August 2017Biochemistry and MEU10 Category II Email Copy
39CME on Human Cytogenetics31st August 2017Pathology, IRB and MEU--
40CME on Dermatophytoses – challenges ahead5th September 2017Dermatology and Microbiology5 category IINo. 31483 dt. 23.08.2017
41III National Workshop on Research Methodology14th – 16th September 2017Institutional Research Board and MEU30 Category IIINo. 39325 dt. 09.10.2017
42IV National Workshop on Research Methodology22nd – 24th March 2018Institutional Research Board and MEU30 Category IIINo. 09977 dt. 09.05.2018
43CME on Synergy of PHARM MED27th April 2018Pharmacology and MEU10 Category IIEmail on 23.04.2018
44CME on Updates on Hepatitis 16th August 2018Microbiology and MEU10 Category IIEmail on 27.07.2018
45CME on Recent Trends in Diagnostic Pathology30th August 2018Pathology and MEU10 Category IIEmail on 01.08.2018
46V National Workshop on Research Methodology26th – 29th September2018Institutional Research Board and MEU30 Category IIIEmail on 05.09.2018
47VI National Workshop on Research Methodology20th – 23rd March 2019Institutional Research Board and MEU30 Category IIIEmail on 06.02.2019
48CME and hands on demonstration of Cochlear implantation22nd June 2019ENT--
Total credit points received615

Education activities accredited by The Tamilnadu Medical Council

S. No.ProgrammeDate(s)Organizing Dept.Credit Hours
1CME and Workshop on Nerve conduction studies and Evoked potentials15th to 16th June 2017Physiology and MEU4
2Training program in Bioethics6th to 8th July 2017Bioethics Unit6
3CME on Medical Update17th August 2017Medicine and MEU2
4CME on Biochemical Evaluation of Bone and Bone disorders24th August 2017Biochemistry and MEU2
5CME on Human Cytogenetics31st August 2017Pathology, IRB and MEU2
6CME on Dermatophytoses – challenges ahead5th September 2017Dermatology and Microbiology2
7III National Workshop on Research Methodology14th – 16th September 2017Institutional Research Board and MEU6
8IV National Workshop on Research Methodology22nd – 24th March 2018Institutional Research Board and MEU6
9CME on Synergy of PHARM MED27th April 2018Pharmacology and MEU2
10CME on Updates on Hepatitis 16th August 2018Microbiology and MEU2
11CME on Recent Trends in Diagnostic Pathology30th August 2018Pathology and MEU2
12V National Workshop on Research Methodology26th – 29th September2018Institutional Research Board and MEU6
Total credit points received42
