Aim / Goal of the Department
To provide a broad based teaching programme encompassing the areas of anatomic, clinical, experimental as well as community based knowledge in pathology at all levels. This is achieved by advanced teaching labs, highly innovative curriculum and contemporary teaching methods.
To understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of diseases and applying this knowledge to medical practice this will keep us to date with the latest and current developments. This is achieved by enhancing a culture of research amongst the team with high regard to meritocracy and accuracy.
To give appropriate training to the team and encourage them to participate in various continuing medical education programmes, thereby developing inter – personal and communication skills resulting in effective information exchange amongst the team of learners and facilitators.
To provide excellent diagnostic and laboratory services to patients. Services that come under the diagnostic wing of the department are histopathology, cytology, hematology, immune-pathology, Transfusion medicine, including ancillary techniques like special stains and immune-histochemical stains. We ensure the excellence of the offered diagnostic services by the usage of high standards of laboratory quality control.
Strives to provide efficient and effective health services that promote the health and well-being of the people in Trichy. Using tools at our disposal, we cater to the needs of the community and render diagnostic services along with the clinical departments in this institution.
Message from HOD
Pathology services and academic learning are positioned in the centre of the clinical practice and curriculum directing the modalities of treatment and prognosis with precise and prognostic reports, and in the curriculum reinforcing the basic learning of body functions, anatomy and correlating with the disease process, helping the student to unravel the mysteries of the pathogenesis of disorders before venturing into the core of clinical subjects. Hence the accountability for producing a good medical graduate, and a good practitioner, both rest heavily with the pathologist.