



After a break of 3 years , TSRMMC’s own bustling annual sports event , Sportifa-2022, was conducted by the batch of Ryzenzordz Participating batches for this event are winxiderz, zcaliberz, ryzenzordz, kreventronz, xantronz.The event began officially on 27th June with an opulent inauguration evening at the College ground headed by the Dean , Dr S Revwathy along with other dignitaries Deputy Director, Dr N Balasubramaniam, Associate Dean , Dr Baba, Additional Medical Superintendent, Dr. P Karthick and Sports Advisor Dr.PalaniVelRajan.Sports achievors of TSRM carried the Olympic torch in a relay, celebrating a common message of sportsmanship, athletic superiority and artistic

achievement. Meanwhile the names of the participating batches were unveiled as the olympic torch was passed on. Fun games gave a kickstart to all other long awaited momentous games. The Kick-Off by the dignitaries was such a treat to watch. Following that, we had two action-packed games – Futsal between ryzenzordz vs zcaliberz and basketball between.   which made us all to look forward for more in the coming days.

Various interbatch events –   indoor, outdoor and track events were conducted. In addition to the usual events , Basketball 3s, Box cricket and Kho-Kho were some new events of Sportifa’22. All the games count as each point gets you closer to lifting the trophy.

Outdoor & Indoor events


  • Football (boys)
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket (boys)
  • Basketball 5s
  • Throwball ( girls)


  • Futsal (boys)
  • Tennikoit
  • Badminton
  • Kho-kho (girls)
  • Basketball 3s
  • Volleyball 3s (boys)
  • Box cricket (boys)
  • Weight lifting (boys)
  • Table tennis
  • Chess
  • Carrom
  • Arm wrestling (boys)


  • Shotput throw
  • Discus throw


The game was conducted in tsrmmc’s basketball court in a spectacular manner following all the rules and regulations of the sport. The decision making was done by referee.

Basketball 5s & 3s was conducted for both boys and girls. The game was conducted in single knockout format for 5s & 3s (girls). Whereas the format for basketball 5s&3s( boys) was double knockout. Each team had 5 players in the squad along with substitutes. the game consists of 4 quarters.

The winner of basketball 5s & 3s boys is zcaliberz and their participation was astonishing and winxiderz boys secured runner position.

Ryzenzordz girls won basketball 3s & 5s as they contributed great input for their victory. Zcaliberz girls has made it to finals and secured runner up position

Basketball : zlz vs wxz

Basketball : zlz vs ryz


The venue for cricket(men) is Tsrmmc’s cricket court. The players of all batches were exceptional and the rules and regulations of the sport was followed with umpire guiding us all the way through .

Each team had 11 main players with 5 substitutes.

Cricket was conducted in double knockout format

The winxiderz team led by aneesh raj has won the cricket trophy and it was an enormous victory for the team.

The runner for cricket is zcaliberz.

Cricket : wxz vs ryz

Cricket : zlz vs wxz

Box cricket

The venue for box cricket(men) is Tsrmmc’s box cricket court. The players of all batches were spectacular and the rules and regulations of the sport was followed with umpire guiding us all the way through.

Each team had 11 main players with 5 substitutes.

Cricket was conducted in league format

The zcaliberz team led by dharanidharan has won the cricket and it was a huge victory for the team.

The runner for cricket is xanthronz.

Arm wrestling

   The venue for arm wrestling(men) is Tsrmmc’s indoor premises. The players of all batches exemplified strength.

All participants had been divided into 3 groups based on weight.

Category 1 was won by kreventorz followed by ryzenzordz

Category 2 was won by ryzenzordz followed by kreventorz

Category 3 was won by zcaliberz followed by xanthronz

Dead lift

   The venue for deadlift(men) is Tsrmmc’s volleyball court. The players of all batches proved their might.

All participants have been divided into 3 groups based on weight.

Category 1 was won by ryzenzordz both 1st and 2nd position

Category 2 was won by zcaliberz followed by kreventorz

Category 3 was won by zcaliberz both 1st and 2nd position


The venue for football(men) is Tsrmmc’s football court. The players of all batches exhibited their dynamic effort and the rules and regulations of the sport was followed with referee guiding us all way through.

Each team had 11 main players with 3 substitutes.

Football 11s was conducted in single knockout format

The winxiderz team led by dinesh kumar has won the football trophy and it was a tremendous victory for the team.

The runner for football 11s is xanthronz.

Football : ryz vs kvz

Football : xtz vs kvz


The tennikoit matches was conducted in our own tsrmmc’s tennikoit court. players from all batches contributed their best to the game. Rules and regulations was followed and the decision making was done by the referee. The game was conducted in knockout format for both singles and doubles and it

consists of 3 sets with 21 points

The winners of tennikoit singles is vasanthapriya R from kreventronz

and the runner up is yuvashree S fron ryzenzordz

The winners of tennikoit doubles are Gianna rena G , sri ishwarya R from xantronz and the runner ups are christina paulita N and hareeni S V from kreventronz

Tennikoit : ryz vs xtz


the badminton matches were conducted in tsrmmc’s badminton court. The crowd witnessed a remarkable perfomance from each and every player .The game consisted of singles ,doubles and mixed in knockout format.

The boys singles match was won by Karthik from xantronz and hari raghul secured finished the match with runner up position

The boys doubles match was won by Nishanth and swadeep and runner up position is secured by M

Mohnish and Arham from ryzenzordz


the girls singles match was won by Thamillisai G from xanthronz

and the runner was Harshitha B from ryzenzordz


the doubles girls match was won by Jeevana, Safah maryam from kreventronz

and the runner up position was secured by akshaya RM ,Varshini J from xantronz


the carrom matches were conducted in our college campus.the standard rules and regulations of the sport was applied and the organisers decision was followed .the carrom singles and doubles was conducted in single knockout format wheras double knockout for carrom doubles (for boys and girls)

the winner of carrom singles girls is Joshna K from ryzenzords and the runner is Abinayasaraswathy G from winxiderz

the winners of carrom doubles girls are Abinayasaraswathy G , Nithyasri .T from winxiderz and joshna K,Yuvashree S from ryzenzords secured runner up position


the winner of carrom singles boys is dharani from zcaliberz

and charan from xanthronz secured runner up position


the winners of carrom doubles boys are abishake, arumugam from ryzenzordz and charan, karthikeyan from xanthronz secured runner up position

ryz vs kvz


The venue for volleyball is Tsrmmc’s volleyball court. The players of all batches exhibited their dynamic effort and the rules and regulations of the sport was followed with referee guiding us all way through .

Each team had 6 main players with 3 substitutes. The game consists of 3 sets with 25 points each

Volleyball 6s (girls) and 3s (boys) was conducted in single knockout format and for volleyball 6s (boys) is double knockout.

The zcaliberz team led by kongesh has won the volleyball 6s and 3s and it was a tremendous victory for the team.

The runner for volleyball 6s and 3s boys is winxiderz .

The winner for volleyball girls is zcaliberz and their participation was magnificent. Ryzenzordz girls made it to the finals and finished the game against zcaliberz with runner-up position.

volleyball : zlz vs kvz

volleyball 3s : ryz vs kvz

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Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre is a unit of SRM group of educational Institutions.

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