New Dental OPD Inauguration – March 13, 2019

Oral Healthcare Kit Distribution

Planting ceremony
Seed Balls distribution

The Department of Dentistry, Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital & Research centre aims at prevention and eradication of dental caries and in promoting good oral hygiene through oral health awareness. Since children have the potential to bring incredible change to our world, Children’s day would be a great start for dental camp.
An oral health awareness and screening camp was conducted for about 320 children of SVM HR SEC SCHOOL, Palur. The programme included presenting primary oral health care tips for children. Parents and teachers were educated and motivated to visit a Pediatric Dentist or an Oral Healthcare Centre at the earliest, when it comes to prevention of oral diseases. The Department of Dentistry at Trichy SRM MCH&RC is fully functional and equipped to provide oral health care treatment at all levels.
Children from kindergarten to fifth standard were screened and advised treatment. Those who required secondary and tertiary level care were referred to our department for further treatment and management. The Screening programme with fun filled learning activities, ended up with active participation of the children with great reach of oral health awareness in the young minds.
The Department of Dentistry, Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre aims to promote good oral health by spreading awareness regarding dental care among the public. Hence, an Orthodontic Awareness and screening camp was organized on 12.12.2019 at SRM Trichy Arts & Science College; situated within the campus.
The camp started with a talk on general oral health conducted at Easwari Auditorium, attended by nearly 350 staff and students. The students and staff members present were educated about the various common dental issues and also regarding the preventive measures. They were further given an introduction into the various treatment options available in the department. The talk ended with a question and answer session where the queries of the participants were clarified. Following the talk the first batch of about 60 students were screened at the SRM Trichy Arts & Science College; with special emphasis on correction of malocclusions.