
Webinar and Panel Discussion on Mucormycosis

Webinar and Panel Discussion on

“Mucormycosis” – Battling Black Fungus

Date of the Event: 29.06.2021 | Time: 2 Pm to 4 Pm

Organizing Department: Microbiology

Organizing Chairperson: Dr. P. Chitra Rajalakshmi, Professor and Head of Department

Organizing Secretary: Dr. Diego Edwin, Assistant Professor Microbiology


The webinar on “Mucormycosis” was held on 21st June 2021 in the Department of Microbiology with regard to organizing an Online Conference on topic of ongoing pandemic associated with Opportunistic Fungal Infection. On 18th June 2021, an approval for the webinar was obtained from Chief Director. On 23rd June 2021, a Brochure cum invitation was circulated to all departments and external institutions through Email and social networking. A trial run for a webinar on 28th June 2021 and other arrangements were made for the streaming of the webinar in BC Roy Hall, Hospital Block

On 29th June 2021

Participants – 400 Medical practitioners and Medical students 

Opening Address

Opening Address was delivered by Dr. P. Chitra Rajalakshmi, Prof. and Head of Microbiology

Hosted by Organizing Secretary, Dr. Diego Edwin, Assistant Professor of Microbiology

Session 2: Management of Mucormycosis

Lead Speaker: Dr .D. Suresh Kumar, Infectious Disease Specialist, Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

The session was an informative in-depth knowledge was shared about the clinical challenges in the management of mucormycosis in 2021. The session started with  case discussion followed by pathogenesis, pathophysiology role of brochoscopy in pulmonary Mucormycosis, staging in mucormycosis, diagnosis,  management approach in mucormycosis both chemotherapy and surgery, follow up after surgery, treatment outcome and medication challenges

Session 1: Laboratory Diagnosis of Mucormycosis

Lead Speaker: Dr. G. Balajee, Consultant Microbiologist, Global Health City, Chennai.

The session was an informative in-depth knowledge was shared about the laboratory diagnosis in Microscopy, Culture, AST, Serology, Molecular methods, Histopathology. After which infection control in the laboratory and hospital were elaborated.


It was an interactive session where the questions and doubts posted by the audience were answered by both the guest speakers

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