- Outpatient consultation rooms separately for Head of the department, professors, assistant professor and residents.
- Demonstration rooms with audio- visual aids to conduct classes for undergraduate & postgraduate students.
- Procedure / PFT & DLCO room with all equipments.
- Well equipped bronchoscopy & Thoracoscopy suite.
- Well functioning DOTS (Directly observed treatment short course) center.
- Separate male and female wards for inpatients.
- Separate male and female isolation wards for communicable diseases. (TB)
- Separate DRTB ward for drug resistant TB patients
- Department library/ e-library with internet facility
Specialty Clinics
S.No | Name of the Clinic | Days on which held | Timings |
1 |
Respiratory Rehabilitation |
All Days | 9.00am to 3.00pm |
2 |
Asthma Clinic | Monday & Thursday |
9.00am to 1.00pm |
3 |
Bronchoscopy | All Days |
9.30am to 12.00pm |
4 |
COPD Clinic | Wednesday & Saturday |
9.00am to 1.00pm |
5 | TB Clinic | Tuesday & Friday |
9.00am to 1.00pm |