Lavanya Ganesan, Nachal Annamalai. Assessment of handgrip strength among urban and rural elderly persons. Journal of health Sciences. 2020: 10(2);
Tharani Giritharan, Nachal Annamalai, Ashok Kumar. Effect of yoga on pulmonary function among asthmatics. Journal of health Sciences. 2020: 10(2); 164.
Year: 2018 (8)
Muhil, Umapathy Sembian, D.Priyanka, Guru.T.Arun. Correlation of Ultra Sonographic Screening of Umbilical Cord Parameters & Adverse Birth Outcome in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2018: 17 (6); 01-06.
Muhil M, Priyanka D, Umapathy Sembian, Thirumalaikolundusubramaniyan. Association of Rate Pressure Product and Cardiovascular risk in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2018: 17 (12);13-16.
Dinesh T, Dinesh Kumar E, Rajajeyakumar M, Charumathi V. Effect of short-term breathing exercise training on perceived stress and Stroop effect in chronic smart phone users. IAIM, 2018; 5(11): 1-7.
Dinesh Thangavel, Rajajeyakumar Manivel, Sakila Sadasivam. Effect of 12 weeks of slowbreathing exercise practice on anthropometric parameters in healthy volunteers. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2018;8(12); 1-5.
Jeyakeerthi S, Subbu Lakshmi M, Rajajeyakumar M, Niranjana D, Janitha A. Barriers to perform early screening and practice of breast self-examination among high risk young adults. Biochem Physiol 2018; 7(3):1-3.
Sharma VK, Dinesh T, Rajajeyakumar M, Grrishma B, Bhavanani AB (2018) Impact ofFast and Slow Pranayam on Cardio Vascular Autonomic Function among Healthy Young Volunteers: Randomized Controlled Study. AlternIntegr Med 7: 2: 1-6.
Jeyavishnupriya G, Rajajeyakumar M, Gnanavel Raja C , Puhalenthi K. Introduction ofa Pre-Medical Course Study Programme to Undergraduate Medical Curriculum –Students’ Perspective, Trichy, India. International Journal of Physiology 2018; 6(4): 58-61.
Bijli Nanda, Manasi Bhattacharjee, Omna Chawla, Rajajeyakumar M, Raj Kapoor. Incorporating E-learning as a tool for medical education in India: Investigating student perspective. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, 2018; 5(1):25-30.
Year: 2017 (05)
Muhil, Priyanka, UmapathySembian, Pugahendi, Klamani Pillai.Prevalence of adverse birth outcome of gestational diabetes mellitus in trichy district.Journal of Pharmacy. 2017; 7 (1): 30-33.
Desika, R., Rajajeyakumar, M., Abinavi, S., Thanya, A., Varshaa, B., Lavanisha, K. and Suganthi, D. 2017. “Impact of nadishuddhi pranayam on perceived stress and vasomotor tone among young women – relevance to phase of menstrual cycle”, International Journal of Current Research, 9, (11), 61589-61594.
Sadagopan AswithaPriya, Manivel Rajajeyakumar, Marimuthu Anushuya, Nagaraj Hareish, Ratnam Krithikka, et al. (2017) Prevalence of Smart Phone Users at Risk for Developing Cell Phone Vision Syndrome among College Students. J Psychol Psychother. 7: (3): 1-3.
Sureshbalaji R A, Krishna Kumar S, Lavanya R, Prem Kumar S, Sivapriya D V, Ramaswamy C, Shyamala Thirumeni. Correlation of total leucocyte count, eosinophil, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts with peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2017;6(91):6427-6430.
Sureshbalaji R A, Prem Kumar S, Lavanya R, Krishna Kumar S, Sivapriya D.V, Ramaswamy C, Shyamala Thirumeni. Correlation of total leucocyte count, eosinophil,neutrophil and lymphocyte counts with pulmonary function in copd patients. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2017;6(83):00-00, DOI: 1. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2017;6(84):5870- 5873.
Year: 2016 (04)
Tamilarasi R, Arunmozhi R, Karthick Raja V, Rajajeyakumar M. A study to assess the knowledge and practice of hand washing among school going adolescents in Chennai.International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2016; 6 (8) : 147-155.
Prem B, Vishnupriya H, Rajajeyakumar M. Madanmohan T. Measuring respiratory pressures with mercury manometer in low economic health care settings – an analytical study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016; 10: (1): 12-15.
Rajajeyakumar M, Nachal A, Pawar G S, Raja C G, Prabhu Elango P R, Janitha C A. Is There a Need for Introducing Open Book Assessment Method in First-Year Medical Curriculum? A Preliminary Study. Medical Education. 2016; 50 (2): 5–33.
Sureshbalaji R. A, Mohamed Marzuk S, Lavanya R, Krishna Kumar S, Jaideep Rayapudi S, Rajendran P, Niranjana D, Ramaswamy. Effect of mobile phone radiation on heart rate variability. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016;5(90):6717-6721.
Year: 2015 (06)
Nachal Annamalai, Rajajeyakumar M, Rajendran P. Small group discussion: students’ perspectives. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. 2015; 5(1): 18-
Muhil M,Thirumalaikolundusubramanian P, Rajendran P , UmapathySembian, Rajesh Kumar. Assessment of heart rate variability in Organ phosphorous Poisoning.Biomedicine. 2015;35(3):298 –
Muhil M, UmapathySembian, Thirumalaikolundusubramanian P. A Study on Sleep Hygiene and Associated Health hazards in shift workers. International Journal of Pharmacology and Biosciences 2015; 6(1): 664-669.
Muhil M, UmapathySembian. Status of depression among school children and adolescents in urban areas of Tamilnadu. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2015; 14(7): 117- 119.
Ethiya N, Shanthi M, Muhil M, Maheswaran N, MeenakshiSundaram K. Effect of stress on male and female albino rats – an experimental study. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2015; 6(3): 645-647.
Rajajeyakumar M, Pirabhu R, Chenniappan M, Niranjana D, Siva Arul Selvan S, Sushmita A, Janitha A, Arun A. Study to predict vascular dysfunctions in high risk young adults – an immediate non invasive investigation to prevent early vascular ageing. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015; 9(7): CC01-CC03.
Year: 2014 (14)
Raja Reddy P. Vinuthashankar M.S., Nachal Annamalai .Serum Insulin and Glucose tolerance in hypo & hyperthyroid states. The Journal of Physiology and Health. Photon 110 (2014) 242 –
Nachal Annamalai, Revathi M, Alamelu Palaniappan, Rajajeyakumar M. Impact of age and gender on QTc interval – a retrospective study. International Journal of Basic and Applied and Medical Sciences 2014; 4(2): 308-312.
Ashwini KS, Vinutha SMA, Nachal A. bimanual Coordination: influence of age and gender. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014; 8(2): 15-16.
Muhil M, Umapathy S, Babitha, Ethiya N, Muthuselvi K. Study of auditory, visual reaction time and glycaemic control (HBA1C) in chronic type II diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinicaland Diagnostic Research 2014; 8(9): 11-13.
Rajajeyakumar M, Gnanavelraja C, Elandevan CK, Jasni Angel, Janitha A, Rajendran P, Suresh Balaji RA, Rajesh Kumar A, Baby Kumari B. Correlation of anthropometric parameters with different neuro cognitive style barriers among health care students – a preliminary study. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy 2014; 4(6): 163-166.
Rajajeyakumar M, Janitha A, Balachander J, Madanmohan, Bhattacharjee M. Effect of Yogic Type of Breathing (Pranayam) on Different Grade of Hand grip Strength among Young Adults. International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences 2014;4(2):17-23.
Rajajeyakumar M, Janitha A, Madanmohan, Balachander J. Effect of slow rhythmic voluntary breathing pattern on isometric handgrip among healthcare International Journal of Medical Research in Health Sciences 2014; 3(4): 790-796.
Dinesh T, Girwar SG, Vivek KS, AnandaBalayogi B, Rajajeyakumar M, Syam SA.Effect of Slow and Fast Pranayama Training on Handgrip Strength and Endurance in HealthyVolunteers. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014; 8(5).
Rajajeyakumar M, Prabhakar P, Bhattachajee M, Madanmohan, Balachander J, Navasakthi. Effect of single pranayam technique on cardio vascular parameters and mental chronometry among medical students. International Journal of Physiology 2014;2(1):54-58.
Arrthy S, Vinodha R, Saravanan S, Rajajeyakumar M. Evaluation of peripheral and central neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients by using somatosensory evoked potential. International Journal of Physiology 2014; 2(1): 50-53.
Rajajeyakumar M, Amudharaj D, BandiHarikrishna, Madanmohan T, Jeyasettiseloune, Bhavanani AB. Immediate effect of different pranayam on short term heart rate variability in health care students-a preliminary study.International Journal of 2014;2(1):39-43.
Rajajeyakumar M, Bhattacharjee M, Amudharaj D, Madanmohan, Balachander J. Short term practice of Kapalabhathim pranayam on measurement of human cognitive processing ability in healthy young volunteers.Biomedicine. 2014; 34(1): 076-081.
Vivek Kumar S, Rajajeyakumar M, Velukumary S, Senthilkumar S, Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan, Ajit S, Dinesh T. Effect of fast and slow pranayama practice on cognitive functions in healthy volunteers. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2014; 8(1)10-13.
Anbarasi M, Rajendaran P, Rajkumar G, Rajeshkumar A, Sureshbalaji R.A. The Combined utility of Ankle – Brachial Index, Heart Rate Variability and Lipid Profile in predicting the Risk of Autonomic Neuropathy and Foot Ulcers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences. 2014; 3(4).