The realization of sustained, equitable and universal health coverage is the onus of every medical teaching institution. This is achieved by the outreach of affordable quality health care to a wide and varied population base and a dedicated medical fraternity who constantly endeavor to improve the means of health care delivery. To this end, the role of TSRMMCHRC, with its vista of health and educational services is a haven to all who seek its services, be it a professional, a student or a patient.
Our teaching standards reflect the latest trends in the national and the international scenario. What remains our greatest challenge and focus of medical training is the inculcation of the principles and practice of professionalism in our students and faculty. Cutting edge knowledge aside, what contributes to the revered and much talked about physician- patient trust is the professional attitude of the medical practitioner. Medical professionalism incorporates as its attributes those of altruism, competence, accountability, integrity, social responsibility and many others. It is this unified principle of professionalism which has deified the doctor throughout history. Today, the nobility of the profession warrants conscious reinforcement and the values expected of a doctor need to be specifically taught. An undergraduate student enters medical college as an individual and it is our responsibility to facilitate a transformation in him/her to meet the requirements of our nation’s health policy. Our training at TSRMMCHRC is not only multi-faceted and educationally sound, it is founded on reinforcing throughout, the principles of professionalism.
It is our motive to ensure that our graduates, postgraduates and faculty who have had a stint at TSRMMCHRC will go out into the world and carry with them this distinctive streak of professional behaviour and competence. This motto is reflected in the care that the ill receive at the hands of our health care providers. It also raises our standards of research and the quality of the scientific knowledge that our institution disseminates.